This is a page to show you a little bit of what I have made in the past for my work. I think I'm about to forget about them myself.
The dates are approximate, like what is shown on the ROM or the release date.
- 昔の話だから間違ってることがあるかもしれないよ。
It was a long time ago, so I could be wrong about some things.
- たまに追記したり修正したりするからリンクはいいけど持ち出しはしないでね。
I'll add to it and revise it from time to time, so link to it but don't take it out.
- 質問とかあったらtwitterのDMでどうぞ。答えられるものは回答するかもしれません。
If you have any questions, please DM me on twitter. I may answer what I can.
Basically, we only publish titles that have been released to the public in some form, such as
- タイトルの権利元にすでに在籍してないタイトル
Titles that are not already enrolled with the title's rights holder
- 家庭用:対応ハードが生産終了になっている(=ソフトの生産が終わってる)タイトル
Home video games: Titles for which the corresponding hardware has been discontinued (= software production has ended)
- 運営もの:運営が終了しているタイトル
Games with operations: Titles that are no longer in operation
- スマホ:ストアにすでに存在しないタイトル
Smartphone games: titles that do not already exist in the store
- 非営利のタイトル
Non-Profit Games
- 企業が情報を公開しているタイトル
Titles for which the company has published information
In summary, only games that do not affect the business activities of the rights holders are made public.
- 2020~2027 ( 7 )
- 2010~2019 ( 14 )
- 2000~2009 ( 8 )